Topological pumping of photons in nonlinear resonator arrays

  1. Jirawat Tangpanitanon,
  2. Victor M. Bastidas,
  3. Sarah Al-Assam,
  4. Pedram Roushan,
  5. Dieter Jaksch,
  6. and Dimitris G. Angelakis
We show how to implement topological or Thouless pumping of interacting photons in one dimensional nonlinear resonator arrays, by simply modulating the frequency of the resonators periodically
in space and time. The interplay between interactions and the adiabatic modulations enables robust transport of Fock states with few photons per site. We analyze the transport mechanism via an effective analytic model and study its topological properties and its protection to noise. We conclude by a detailed study of an implementation with existing circuit QED architectures.

Few-qubit quantum-classical simulation of strongly correlated lattice fermions

  1. Juha M Kreula,
  2. Laura García-Álvarez,
  3. Lucas Lamata,
  4. Stephen R Clark,
  5. Enrique Solano,
  6. and Dieter Jaksch
We study a proof-of-principle example of the recently proposed hybrid quantum-classical simulation of strongly correlated fermion models in the thermodynamic limit. In a „two-site“
dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT) approach we reduce the Hubbard model to an effective impurity model subject to self-consistency conditions. The resulting minimal two-site representation of the non-linear hybrid setup involves four qubits implementing the impurity problem, plus an ancilla qubit on which all measurements are performed. We outline a possible implementation with superconducting circuits feasible with near-future technology.