Engineering nonequilibrium steady states through Floquet Liouvillians

  1. Weijian Chen,
  2. Maryam Abbasi,
  3. Serra Erdamar,
  4. Jacob Muldoon,
  5. Yogesh N. Joglekar,
  6. and Kater W. Murch
We experimentally study the transient dynamics of a dissipative superconducting qubit under periodic drive towards its nonequilibrium steady states. The corresponding stroboscopic evolution,
given by the qubit states at times equal to integer multiples of the drive period, is determined by a (generically non-Hermitian) Floquet Liouvillian. The drive period controls both the transients across its non-Hermitian degeneracies and the resulting nonequilibrium steady states. These steady states can exhibit higher purity compared to those achieved with a constant drive. We further study the dependence of the steady states on the direction of parameter variation and relate these findings to the recent studies of dynamically encircling exceptional points. Our work provides a new approach to control non-Hermiticity in dissipative quantum systems and presents a new paradigm in quantum state preparation and stabilization.

Decoherence Induced Exceptional Points in a Dissipative Superconducting Qubit

  1. Weijian Chen,
  2. Maryam Abbasi,
  3. Byung Ha,
  4. Serra Erdamar,
  5. Yogesh N. Joglekar,
  6. and Kater W. Murch
Open quantum systems interacting with an environment exhibit dynamics described by the combination of dissipation and coherent Hamiltonian evolution. Taken together, these effects are
captured by a Liouvillian superoperator. The degeneracies of the (generically non-Hermitian) Liouvillian are exceptional points, which are associated with critical dynamics as the system approaches steady state. We use a superconducting transmon circuit coupled to an engineered environment to observe two different types of Liouvillian exceptional points that arise either from the interplay of energy loss and decoherence or purely due to decoherence. By dynamically tuning the Liouvillian superoperators in real time we observe a non-Hermiticity-induced chiral state transfer. Our study motivates a new look at open quantum system dynamics from the vantage of Liouvillian exceptional points, enabling applications of non-Hermitian dynamics in the understanding and control of open quantum systems.

Emergent PT symmetry in a double-quantum-dot circuit QED set-up

  1. Archak Purkayastha,
  2. Manas Kulkarni,
  3. and Yogesh N. Joglekar
Open classical and quantum systems with effective parity-time (PT) symmetry, over the past five years, have shown tremendous promise for advances in lasers, sensing, and non-reciprocal
devices. And yet, the microscopic origin of such effective, non-Hermitian models is not well understood. Here, we show that a non-Hermitian Hamiltonian emerges naturally in a double-quantum-dot-circuit-QED (DQD-circuit QED) set-up, which can be controllably tuned to the PT-symmetric point. This effective Hamiltonian, derived from a microscopic model for the set-up, governs the dynamics of two coupled circuit-QED cavities with a voltage-biased DQD in one of them. Our analysis also reveals the effect of quantum fluctuations on the PT symmetric system. The PT-transition is, then, observed both in the dynamics of cavity observables as well as via an input-output experiment. As a simple application of the PT-transition in this set-up, we show that loss-induced enhancement of amplification and lasing can be observed in the coupled cavities. Our results pave the way for an on-chip realization of a potentially scalable non-Hermitian system with a gain medium in quantum regime, as well as its potential applications for quantum technology.

Quantum state tomography across the exceptional point in a single dissipative qubit

  1. M. Naghiloo,
  2. M. Abbasi,
  3. Yogesh N. Joglekar,
  4. and K. W. Murch
Open systems with gain and loss, described by non-Hermitian Hamiltonians, have been a subject of intense research recently. In classical systems, the effect of exceptional-point degeneracies
on their dynamics has been observed through remarkable phenomena such as the parity-time symmetry breaking transition, asymmetric mode switching, and optimal energy transfer. On the other hand, consequences of an exceptional point for quantum evolution and decoherence are hitherto unexplored. Here, we use post-selection on a three-level superconducting transmon circuit with tunable Rabi drive, dissipation, and detuning to carry out quantum state tomography of a single dissipative qubit in the vicinity of its exceptional point. Quantum state tomography reveals the PT symmetry breaking transition at zero detuning, decoherence enhancement at finite detuning, and a quantum signature of the exceptional point in the qubit relaxation state. Our observations demonstrate rich phenomena associated with non-Hermitian physics in the fully quantum regime and open routes to explore and harness exceptional point degeneracies for enhanced sensing and quantum information processing.